Our company was established in 1991 as a family enterprise. ELASTIC is a 100 % Hungarian-owned corporation. From the very beginning we have been designing and producing sophisticated, practical and stylish beachwear for women, men, and children. In addition to the traditional women's swimwear we produc tankini, trikini, girls' beachwear and swimming trunks for boys and men.


The secret of our success is the wide range of size selection so as to cover all the needs of our potential customers. As a consequence, our size range goes up to F cup. As a swimwear manufacturer we exclusively use the finest elasticised fabrics and accessories of Italian, Spanish and English producers.


A part form being present in the Hungarian marketplace our main concept is to be an active participant of foreign markets as well. We believe that we could satisfy even the most selective foreign buyers’ tastes with our elegant, well-designed and comfortable products.


We kindly ask you to visit our this year collection on our website. At present we are working on our new collection for the next year which will contain even more attractive beachwears.

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